It starts with Fear- Fear is natural human emotion, which automatically gets triggered when we are confronting a recognized threat. It is a mechanism, where our mind gives signals of "flight or fight" which cautions our body, the signal is often in the form of physical and emotional responses. Physical response could be sweating, increased heart rate, and nausea, shortness of breath, chills, chest pain, or trembling. Emotional response to fear could be feeling overwhelming, getting upset, feeling of no control, or experiences sense near death. Depending on a person, their reaction to a fearful situation can be both positive and negative. Perceiving fearful situations, as negative or positive is usual and discrete for all people. We can experience both positive/ negative reactions to fear depending on the situation. People when they experience fears as positive they thrive to experience fear- induced situations like adventurous sports. People perceive fear as negative. They go...